
ACS were commissioned once more on the project, to undertake the paint removal from the internal walls, the walls pictured below form part of the living quarters in some very high rise apartments costing upward of a million pounds, taking this project on was not easy as explained below.

Working with this type of paint is always difficult, having been in place for decades the paint is a nightmare to remove by blasting alone, we had to pay careful attention not to score the face of the brick with heavy blasting.

Instead we used an environmentally friendly paint softener, which is capable of removing up to twenty layers of paint in a single apppcation, the softener after its recommended dwell time turn into a rubber sheet and is peeled of in large section taking multiple layers of the aged coating of the brick work.

Once removed a mild blast abrasive is used to clean up the area where the softener is unable to penetrate depvering the results you see below.

Client: Cheese Factory
  • Environmentally
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